
The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church celebrates seven sacraments, which are sacred signs of God’s grace and presence in our lives. Instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, these sacraments help us grow in faith, strengthen our relationship with God, and support us throughout life’s journey.

1. Baptism: The gateway to the Christian life, Baptism frees us from original sin, makes us members of the Church, and begins our lifelong journey with Christ.

2. Confirmation: Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Confirmation strengthens us to live out our faith boldly and become witnesses to Christ in the world.

3. Eucharist: The source and summit of Christian life, the Eucharist nourishes us with the Body and Blood of Christ and unites us with Him and one another.

4. Reconciliation (Confession): This sacrament offers God’s forgiveness and peace as we confess our sins and receive His healing grace.

5. Anointing of the Sick: A sacrament of comfort and healing for those who are seriously ill, preparing them to face suffering with faith and trust in God.

6. Marriage: The sacrament of Matrimony unites a man and woman in a lifelong covenant of love, mirroring Christ’s love for His Church.

7. Holy Orders: Through Holy Orders, men are ordained as deacons, priests, or bishops to serve the Church and guide others in faith.

The sacraments are God’s gifts to us, bringing us closer to Him and to one another as a community of faith. If you’d like to learn more or are considering receiving a sacrament, please contact the parish office.

Please see the link below for important dates regarding the Sacraments for Children.